"Not only is Ravi going to be using our products to go up to K2, but he will also be having our jacket with him. Our jacket, with our logo and our name, will also be up there on K2! What’s so special about K2? Everest is the highest mountain in the world, and he’s already been there. But on the scale of difficulty, K2 is arguably the most difficult, the most challenging, the most dangerous climb in the world, and that’s what he’s going to achieve, just to show you that it can be done! And we will be there with him in spirit!
The first thing we’ll be giving him here is what I’m wearing as well. This is a piece of the Himalayas, going back to the Himalayas. This is a Himalayan Crystal, cut from a mine deep underneath, and it’s going to the K2, with all your hopes, your aspirations, your dreams!
I don’t want you to just clap. I want you to reach into your hearts, because this man is literally going to be risking his life and limb. He has left parts of himself on the Everest forever, and we would like him to come back whole this time. He’s going to have to reinvent himself to go up the K2. In life, every time we go up, we also come down. But he’s going back up again! And that’s the spirit! So here’s the deal. For those of you out there who feel that you’ve been beaten, that you have fallen by the wayside, that you have somehow lost something in the process – that you are despondent, let me ask you to look at this man. Because he’s going up again to climb something that’s twice as difficult, and far more dangerous. And yet he’s willing to do it simply because it’s there, and to prove to himself that it can be done.
So what I want from you is just not the claps. Clap by all means, but give him your hopes, your prayers, your well wishes, your aspirations and say, “Go safely with God and come back to us. Let this (referring to the jacket) protect you. This is not just a jacket, it is our love, our strength, our well wishes and prayers.”
From our hearts – 6000 hearts here, and 5 million all over the world – we are proud to include Ravi into The V family. To Ravi! Bring him back home safely!"