After recent years of increased youth participation in political, economic and technical advancements, the World Muslim Leadership Forum intends to bringtogether the leaders of today and the younger generation – the leaders of tomorrow –to discuss and debate issues which affect the global Muslim community and its future.
This year’s conference will be themed World Muslim Leaders: The Next Generation and will be opening the elegant doors of Dartmouth House, Mayfairon 26th September 2012 to government leaders and representatives, emerging leaders and stakeholders from all sectors of society, as well as representatives from communities globally, to produce a dynamic and creative arena for discussion.
The objective of The World Muslim Leadership Forum is to highlight positive government initiatives and leadership, and the contributions of Muslims from around the world.Beyond this, it aims to further translate these contributions into best practice for governments and international bodies to undertake in order to engage and impact Muslim communities worldwide.
The conference sessions will explore an array of topics including, “Leading a Minority Muslim Community – a Sri Lankan experience,” “Governance and Transparency in the Muslim world: the role of Youth” and “Islamic Finance: A panacea to the economic crisis.” It will spotlight British and international speakers for example, HE. Shaukat Aziz, the former PM of Pakistan, Dato Vijay Eswaren, Chairman of the QI Group, and Lauren Booth, an English broadcaster and journalist.