IPOH, 10th January 2016: Heading up a successful company today is a lot different than it was 50 years ago. What skills are essential to take a business to success, not just today but also in the future? These were the key topics addressed during a one-day Business Symposium organised by Quest International University Perak (QIUP) here today.
This Business Symposium was aimed to engage students in digital marketing and to showcase how digital marketing will bridge the gap of different generations and enable companies to conduct business activities via digital platforms.
The symposium themed – Marketing in Global Perspective: Yesterday’s Dream, Today’s Reality, Tomorrow’s Icon, was attended by about 200 business students from Colleges and Universities from all over Perak. It was organised by the final year Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) undergraduates of QIUP as part of their final year project.
The Business Symposium was officiated by Dato’ Seri Haji Ahmad Husni Bin Mohamad Hanadzlah, Finance Minister II.
Setting the stage for the symposium with his keynote address was renowned speaker, Dato’ Sri Dr. Vijay Eswaran, Executive Chairman of QI Group of Companies and Council Chairman of Quest International University Perak. In his speech he emphasized the need and ability to innovate, execute and be a strong role model as part of the traits a 21st century business leader needs in order to succeed.
Also motivating the audience at this Symposium were notable speakers, namely Pathman Senathirajah, a successful network marketer, who spoke on the topic of Marketing Across Gen X, Y, Z: Breaching the Techno – Savvy Dichotomy and “Connecting the 3 Generations”.
Furthermore, female entrepreneur, Mallory Loone took the stage and spoke about how to open the gap between Gen X, Y and Z and gave insights as to what the characteristics, similarities and dissimilarities are amongst the three generations.
The event closed with a dialogue session discussing the topic of Technology Marketing and how to “Sculpt the Business Landscape for a Prospective Future”. Members of this dialogue session were (isn’t he a Dato?) Michael Teoh Su Lim, Alvin Teh Tai Yean and Dr Siva Sitrembalan.
Besides listening to the various keynote speeches, students had the opportunity to interact with the speakers through a very lively and informative question and answer session.
This Business Symposium was aimed to engage youths in digital marketing and to exhibit how digital marketing will bridge the gap of different generations and to enable businesses to conduct business activities via the digital platform.
About QIUP
Quest International University Perak (QIUP) is a private and comprehensive research-led university established under the Higher Educational Institutions Act 555 and owned by Global Integrated Training Associates Sdn Bhd (formerly known as Blair Education Services Sdn. Bhd) in the State of Perak, Malaysia on 12th June 2008 in which the State Government of Perak has equity participation along with the QI Group.
At QIUP, we believe that planting the seeds of curiosity in students from the beginning will inspire them to make ‘knowledge-seeking’ their quest in life. As a private comprehensive university, students are our top priority. To engage the students and instill in them the hunger of knowledge, we believe in blending theory and practice in education. We ensure that our programs are industry-relevant using motivational teaching methods which are highly effective. QIUP graduates will emerge from the University as florets leaving the plant, ready for the job market and will continue their quest to seek and learn.
QIUP focuses not just on academics but also on instilling students with the “green” concept, where love for the environment and the community is nurtured among them. All QIUP graduates will grow to become well-rounded citizens with an excellent education and a caring heart not just for other fellow humans but for the environment and Earth as well.
There are four Faculties and two centers at QIUP – Centre for Foundation Studies, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Integrative Sciences & Technology, Faculty of Business Management & Social Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy and Centre for Graduate Studies and Research and offers programs at Foundation, Diploma, Degree and Postgraduate levels. Further information can be obtained at www.qiup.edu.my